Scaling up your customer service

The more customers, the more contact moments - but your growing pains should not be noticed by any of your customers. With Grasp, even the fastest-growing teams maintain an overview, without making your customers feel like a number.

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pick up the pace effortlessly

Grip on more messages

Whether you receive tens our thousands of messages a day; an organised inbox provides grip. Use Grasp to label and prioritise your messages, so you’re always in control. That’s how you keep your head cool, without making your customers wait for too long - regardless of how fast your team grows.

Always a quick answer

No matter how complicated, each question deserves a fast response. But sometimes it’s just not possible to come up with a solution right away. With an auto-reply process, you notify your customer that you’re working on a solution, or you refer to frequently asked questions. This prevents the customer from waiting too long for an answer, and allows you to focus on a full answer.

A system on the rise

Entering a new market goes in hand in hand with uncertainties. How nice would it be if your service teams got to work right away? Grasp allows you to effortlessly add new teams, brands and channels to your inbox. That’s how you always offer the same service, from a single system.

Always a personal reply

More contact moments, more systems, more processes - but it doesn’t mean you should sacrifice a personal answer. Thanks to Grasp's timeline, the team can always view at a glance all contact moments and events. Even if the data stems from multiple systems. That’s how every employee knows who discussed what, and how each answer is to the point right away.

Grip on your customer service starts with Grasp

A relief for your team, with a high five after every contact.

  • Accessible in a flash through multiple channels
  • Continuous English support
  • 14-day free trial